DeFi DataStream

Investigating time series price data for decentralized finance (DeFi) is expensive and challenging. DeFi DataStream gives you access to thousands of token pairs across hundreds of decentralized exchanges, as well as lending and borrowing protocols.

DeFi DataStream for Trading.

Develop and Backtest Your DeFi Strategies

We don’t just deliver DeFi data, we validate it:

  • OHLCV + M/B – Mint/Burn
  • monitor collateralization ratios with automated alerts
  • time series real-time and historical data from DeFi trading pairs

Using DeFi DataStream you can:

  • construct automated market maker price indices with which to develop trading models
  • obtain accurate time series data for DeFi strategy backtesting
  • build reliable algorithmic trading strategies based on VWAP time series DeFi price data

Get Ready to Receive Incredible Insight

With DeFi DataStream you can:

  • leverage sophisticated queries such as determining when the largest holders of tokens have sold most of their balances on decentralized exchanges
  • track “whale wallet” balances across a cluster of wallets to determine overall activity (e.g. net selling or net buying)
  • develop robust DeFi trading algorithms to generate yield and arbitrage using high-fidelity blockchain data

Using DeFi DataStream, you can:

  • generate accurate DeFi price signals for training automated trading programs
  • detect appetite for leverage (e.g. by monitoring algorithmic stablecoin minting and burning)
  • track “whale wallets” using graph analysis to determine overall behavior (e.g. net selling or buying)

Manage DeFi Risk Effectively

Risk in DeFi needs to be monitored 24/7:

  • real-time stablecoin peg-wallet and bridge monitoring
  • collateralization ratio monitoring in decentralized finance pools
  • monitoring token minting and burning across multiple blockchains and bridges

Using DeFi DataStream, you can:

  • detect stablecoin undercollateralization for counterparty and risk management
  • determine when a major token holder has sold a significant portion of their overall cluster wallet balances
  • receive real-time 24/7 alerts when collateralization ratios fall below your preset tolerances

DeFi Price Index.

Unlike traditional finance, generating a time series for reliable price feeds in DeFi is complex and expensive. DeFi DataStream generates blockchain-level time series price feeds for DeFi for reliable backtesting and index construction.

Building a Reliable Ethereum Price Feed from Uniswap

Source: Google Looker instance utilizing ChainArgos data and queries.

Source: Google Looker instance utilizing ChainArgos data and queries.

Being able to obtain a reliable DeFi price feed is a precursor to building a DeFi index. Unlike in traditional finance, simple metrics such as the Highest Price, Lowest Price and VWAP are complex and expensive to obtain from DeFi trading pairs.

DeFi DataStream enables:

  • high-fidelity DeFi price data to be fed into your trading model or index
  • ability to drill down to blockchain-level transaction data for price execution
  • more accurate backtesting of DeFi trading strategies

and much more.

Arbitrage Opportunities.

DeFi DataStream enables you to monitor key “whale” wallet addresses and transfers, allowing you to spot opportunities revealed by insiders making major moves.

How to Make $20 million in One Weekend

Source: Google Looker instance utilizing ChainArgos data and queries.

Being able to ask questions like what was happening with USDC on the weekend that Silicon Valley Bank failed helped Symbolic Capital make an estimated US$20 million over the course of 72 hours.

According to our blockchain data, Symbolic Capital profited from the chaos of the U.S. banking failures, arbitraging USDC when the stablecoin slipped its $1 target peg but ultimately regained it.

But it’s not just knowing what the smart money is doing, what the protocol does matters as well. Which is why DeFi DataStream enables research into:

  • top wallet addresses (including clustering where wallets have been identified to be controlled by a single entity or a group of insiders)
  • collateralization ratios (automated alerts can help to detect the first signs of trouble, with collateralization ratios in specific liquidity pools often becoming catalysts to market wide sell downs)
  • appetite for leverage by monitoring decentralized stablecoin minting and burning

and much more.

Experience the raw power of our blockchain intelligence platform.